Sunday 10 May 2009

So Close, But There Is Next Week!

Well a 3-3 draw tonight, shame we could not wrap up the league title in front of our own fans but c'est la vie!! I am not sad about this to be honest because we are set to be champions, and we have to pick up 1 more win, and i am 100% sure that will come next weekend against RCD Mallorca. We were 3-1 up at half time tonight, and not for the first time this season we took our foot off the gas and got a little sluggish. I think that if we really put our minds to it we could have polished off Villarreal when needed, but to the defence of the players, it has been a gruelling schedule with the games against Valencia, Chelsea, Real Madrid and Chelsea again, all in the space of just 2 weeks but as i said it's no real problem as the La Liga title will be wrapped up next weekend.
On Wednesday there is the Kings Cup final against Athletic Bilbao and it's possible when 3-1 up the players had half a mind set on this game.
I have College tomorrow, but luckily it's not an early start!! I will be most likely meeting a friend or 2 in Starbucks in the morning, for a nice refreshing frappucino and then sit through classes wishing i was somewhere else lol!!
Adeu! Visca Barça!!

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